Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Special Message for our 6th Grade Falcons

Good morning.
On behalf of your sixth grade teachers; Mrs. Mayela Garcia, Mrs. Aide Pena, and myself Ms. Diana Cantu, we would like to congratulate the sixth grade students for successfully completing this school year. This year was the year of many firsts as you were privileged to be the first students of the newly established Academy for Academic Enhancement Gifted and Talented Magnet Middle School. You were the first Falcons...and you were the first to SOAR! You have made history! YOU will continue to soar as opportunities come your way and you make the most out of them. We challenge you to always try your very best and that you may be excellent role models to new students joining this academy. 

For a successful seventh grade year here are some tips that I would recommend you follow:
1. Be proactive, get ahead of the game, always be prepared, and don't wait until the last minute to complete tasks.
2. Be a leader, take the initiative when possible, and always help fellow students. 
3. Make new friends and learn from each other. 
4. Remember to dream big and make your lives extraordinary! 

Congratulations on all of your achievements, follow your passions and continue to be leaders. We wish you the best of luck in your future!

-Ms. D. Cantu

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