Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Constitution Day

Civics Renewal Network:
In honor of Constitution Day, we’re asking schools around the country to join in a reading of the Preamble to the Constitution.
We took the challenge and today all of the 6th Grade Falcons read the Preamble during history class.
Check us out on the Challenge Map! Click here

Here is the link to the video we did not get to finish watching today. Please finish watching it as it is very informative and gives us a better understanding of our Constitution.
Constitution Video

Six functions of our Constitution as established in the Preamble:
1. “To form a more perfect Union” ... the Constitution created a federal government that oversees all of the states and  unites these states under new power.
2. “Establish justice” ... governments will protect people who follow the law and punish those who break the law. The Constitution established a system with courts that protects the rights of its people
3. “Ensure domestic tranquility” ... the atmosphere in our country is calm and peaceful so that the people can live happily and express their liberties freely.
4. “Provide for the common defence” ... the government will provide a military to protect its people from external threats.
5. “Promote the general welfare” ... the Constitution provided the people with the opportunity to have their needs heard and promoted/represented in the system of government.
6. “Secure the blessings of liberty” ... the people have natural rights given to them (life, liberty, property/ pursuit of happiness) and it is the job of the government to protect these natural rights. 

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