Sunday, September 14, 2014

Week of 9/15-9/19

World History:
This week you will learn about human migration. On Monday, at home, you will search human migration and read Rural-Urban Migration in Brazil. Tuesday, in class, we will discuss human migration and its effects on the world. Tuesday, at home, you will work on a letter with the topic Examining both sides of the issue: Moving to the city in Brazil. 
On Monday and Wednesday, during class, we will polish up on our geography skills.
Wednesday, at home, you will research globalization. Be prepared to discuss globalization in class on Thursday. On Friday you will will have a quiz on elements of a map, culture, government, human migration, and globalization...I am positive that you will SOAR!
If you have any questions please make sure to speak to me before or after class. I understand that you might be confused for now, but rest assure you will do just fine. :) Patience is the key...

Tech. Literacy
This week you will be exploring the "cloud" world. You will create Dropbox accounts and share/join folders. Make sure you have your active email account and that you know your credentials.

In the middle of it all...
-16 de septiembre, or Mexico's Independence Day, is celebrated on Tuesday
-sign-in to Classdojo and remind your parents to do the same
-remind parents to sign-up with Remind app to receive school updates by our school principal, Mrs. G. Gonzalez
-Student Council representatives will be elected on Wednesday during 3rd Period
-Student Council officers will be elected on Friday during 3rd Period
-fundraiser continues this week...we are all in it together!
-Thursday, like every Thursday, is University T-shirt Day...which school are you a fan of?
-Friday is Spirit Day!


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