Sunday, November 16, 2014

Week of 11/17 - 11/21

World History-
This week you will be learning about the major deserts and rivers of the world. Pay attention and learn the facts because this Friday you will be taking a Deserts/Rivers exam.

Visit these two links and attempt to locate all rivers/deserts mentioned.
*Note that all rivers/deserts discussed in class are not on these sites.

We will begin our Holidays Around the World when we return from the Thanksgiving Holidays.

Technology Literacy-
Your stories should be ready by Monday. You will begin to create your electronic story using an iPad. Remember that you may have to edit your story as you advance in your project.

"I am thankful for..." feathers are being sold at the front office. Money collected will utilized to purchase Thanksgiving dinners for members of our community. Let's be generous!
Thursday is University T-shirt Day
Friday is Spirit Day

*Sign up for your two Ac2E-IT Seminars later this week. Seminars will be held Monday and Tuesday of next week. I am positive that you will enjoy your courses. Additional information will be provided to all students this week.

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