Sunday, November 30, 2014

Week of 12/1 - 12/5

Welcome back from our Thanksgiving break! I hope that you all are well rested and ready to finish off this semester which will be over in just 3 weeks.

*Progress reports will be issued this week. Make sure to turn in missing assignments. You are responsible students and should always turn in your work on time.

This week in World History we will begin our Christmas Around the World project. Be ready to travel to 20 or more countries! As you research your assigned country you will learn not only about its holiday traditions but about the countries geography, location, culture, and population.

Technology Literacy:
Students will finalize electronic story. If student has completed story, he/she will create a part 2 to their story.

Thursday-University Tshirt day
Friday-Spirit Tshirt day

Remember you are FALCONS and as FALCONS you will SOAR...

Success, Opportunity, Attitude, Respect
I will strive for success in my learning journey.
I will be a leader in every aspect of my day.
I will have an upbeat, positive attitude and be ready to learn.
I will respect myself, others and school property by following school rules.
Go Falcons!

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