Sunday, January 18, 2015

Week of 1/19 - 1/23

We will be quite busy this week...
Below this post are a few posts with pictures. Take a look!

World History
Many of your Medieval stories/skits/presentations about the social groups were great! I know that you enjoyed this activity as much as I did!

We will begin the week by learning and discussing Martin Luther King, Jr.'s accomplishments. You will work on a foldable after viewing a short video and powerpoint.
On Tuesday and Wednesday we will learn about the Beginning of Modern Times. Visit this link and use your interactive journal to copy the vocabulary words, PDF Vocabulary. I will check your journals on Wednesday. Click on these links to read/view more about the Renaissance period.  Read View (video created by students for students)

To finish off the week you will learn about classical architecture and will design your own building (I can't wait to see final products!).

Technology Literacy
Students in this course need to make sure that your blog is up and running. If I did not comment on your post then I do not have a correct blog address for you. Make sure to resubmit form with correct information so that you may receive full credit.
This week you will create a dropbox account and learn how to use it.
*Make sure you are keeping track of all of your usernames and passwords! I do not keep that information.

Monday - Permission slip and $10 due for Selma (Mission, TX)
Thursday - Movie trip to Tinseltown movie theater in Mission, TX to see SELMA. Wear your Falcon shirt or polo uniform shirt only. NO COLLEGE SHIRT TODAY!  Make sure to bring your jackets!
Friday - Spirit T-shirt Day