Sunday, February 22, 2015

Week of 2/23-2/27

Four six week periods down and two to go! This week is the first week of the 5th Six Weeks.
Students, we have been together now for about 115 days and expectations have not changed since day one. You are to complete assignments and turn them in on time. I hope that these last two six week periods show how much you have grown as students of the academy.

World History: From now until the end of the year we will focus on the Western Hemisphere (North America and South America). This week we will learn about South America and landforms/waterways. Click on this link to explore South America.
Click on this link to view presentation shown in class. Presentation

Technology Literacy: What is Cyberbullying?
Students will be creating Public Service Announcements (PSA). Products will be completed in the next couple of weeks. 

Reminders for this week:
Monday-Turn in any missing assignments...grades will be finalized
Wednesday-Report Cards are issued
Thursday-Univeristy/College spirit t-shirt day
Friday-Field Trip to the SCYF...Have FUN!

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