Friday, August 28, 2015

Week of 8/31 - 9/4

Welcome to the second week of school. I hope that your first week was amazing and that you are now feeling proud of being a Falcon! Your school year will be what you make of it...make sure you make it a great one. I, together with all of the staff at Ac2E MS, will be there for you to ensure that your academic journey at our school (your school) is filled with learning opportunities that will better prepare you for the future.

This week we will: Study Social Skills, How geographers view the world?, and Geographer Tools. I will also brief you on how your new e-book for World History/Cultures will look and how to use it.

View this slide show to gain a better understanding of some to the topics that will be covered in class this week.

Analyzing Primary Sources

Thank you for making the first week a wonderful one. I am very happy with the students following rules and procedures. Continue to do great...continue to SOAR!

-Turn in the mint green nurse form ASAP.
-Spirit shirt order form and money are due ASAP (Tuesday).
-I will be sending Class Dojo login information on Monday, please make sure parents sign up!
-Turn in forms given to you the first day of school, if you have not done so yet. Thank you to all who turned them in.

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