Friday, October 2, 2015

Week of 10/5 - 10/9

The 1st Six Weeks period has come to an end and all I have to say it was a great one! Let us make the 2nd Six Weeks period an even better one!

All 6th grade students will now take World History/Cultures in room 7070. WELCOME!

This week in World History we will be learning about the United States of America. Why is it a World Leader? What physical features can be found in the US? What type of resources and climate can be found in the US?

Columbia won the 1st Six Weeks Attendance Challenge! Awesome job students! Thank you parents for bringing/sending your children to school every day. It is more than just winning a challenge, coming to school everyday will make a positive impact in the education of all students. It pays to come to school every day! I challenge all students at Ac2E Middle School to attend school every day. Staying at home is NOT an option!

HESTEC trip Thursday, October 8th - Be ready to have fun at the exhibits! HESTEC is a wonderful learning and fun experience! Students will wear their blue spirit shirts on that day.

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