Sunday, December 14, 2014

Week of 12/15 - 12/19

Last week of the 3rd Six Weeks which means last week of the first semester. It seems like just yesterday we began this year's journey together.

This week:
Monday we will be traveling to the University of Texas Pan American in Edinburg, Texas. Please make sure your child is wearing their falcon spirit shirt. If your child has not turned in permission slip please make sure he/she turns it in first thing in the morning. 
Tuesday students will take the district math benchmark and 
Wednesday students will take the district reading benchmark. 
Thursday we will be traveling to Starplex Cinemas. Make sure to bring in your $10 and permission slips by Monday. 
Friday we will have early release!

I wish all of my students and their families a wonderful winter break, the most merriest Christmas and a prosperous new year! 

Rest and recharge as 2015 awaits for us! 

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